Sounds of Silence - June 23,2018

Sounds of Silence June 23, 2018 For most of my life, I have lived near air force installations and listened to the buzz of planes in the skies above. I remember the sonic booms of the super sonic bombers from Barksdale Air Force Base as a child. Our house would shake from the boom of the plane passing overhead breaking the sound barrier. Eventually, environmental concerns outlawed this practice but I remember it so vividly. A few years later, I moved to Texas where I lived right by Carswell Air Force Base. Planes were always in the air. I remember one particular incident where I was walking my dogs on a field near my apartment and a formation of fighters flew so low and fast overhead that my Cocker Spaniels lay down in the field. Then I moved to Colorado and lived near Buckley Air National Guard as well as the flight path to DIA and the smaller Centennial airports. Even when I visit my brother in Texas, he lives on the flight path to Dallas Ft. Wo...