Week 3

The End of Week Three I am wrapping up second full week of training as a Peace Corps trainee (PST we are called in the vernacular.) I must complete ten weeks of language, culture, and what ever other challenges are placed before me in order to become a Peace Crops Volunteer (PCV). My first day was spent in Washington D.C. where I met the rest of the team and we had our first day of training. I am working with an amazing cohort of young people varying from recent college graduates to people early in their careers of some type of service. I am the only person retired and not planning what job I will seek after my years in the Peace Corps. The group was very welcoming to me and several of us went out for dinner. The next day and a half was all travel. We left the D.C. hotel flew all night landing in the morning in Pairs. I did not get to pick my seat so I was in a center row in the middle. The little boy in front of me dropped his seat o...